A Prayer of Lament.

Lord, as we gather, celebrating Your glory and goodness,
we acknowledge the shadow of today’s anniversary.

Together, we remember September 11th, 2001.
We mourn for the lives lost in New York City,
Washington D.C., and on Flight 93.
We lament death’s reign, the visible and invisible forces of evil,
the principalities and powers of this dark world,
and the evil that lurks in the hearts of all men… including our own.

With the Psalmist, we cry:

“How long, Oh Lord?
How long will Your enemies scoff?
How long will You withhold Your justice
from a world that is desperate to see it?”

We lament a world at war, and we ask You for peace

  • In Afghanistan
  • in Iraq
  • in Libya
  • in Israel and Palestine
  • in Egypt and Syria,
  • and all of the nations of the earth that long for freedom from oppression.

We ask for protection over our loved ones and families who serve overseas,
We pray for the fatherless and the widow,
for the poor and oppressed.
We lift up our global leaders
that by Your grace they might lead with wisdom and justice
and work for peace.
And we acknowledge that all such hopes and longings point us to one who will soon return and bring an everlasting peace and justice.

Together we proclaim:

Put not your trust in princes,
in a son of man, in whom there is no salvation.
When his breath departs, he returns to the earth;
on that very day his plans perish.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
who made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them,
who keeps faith forever; who executes justice for the oppressed,
who gives food to the hungry.
The LORD sets the prisoners free;
the LORD opens the eyes of the blind.
The LORD lifts up those who are bowed down;
the LORD loves the righteous.
The LORD watches over the sojourners;
he upholds the widow and the fatherless,
but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin.
The LORD will reign forever, your God, O Zion, to all generations.

Praise the LORD! – (Psalm 146:2-10)

Amen, Come Lord Jesus.

—source: Sojourn Community Church, Louisville, Kentucky. For corporate lament in their worship gathering, Sept. 11, 2011.

Photo taken by Alister Knock.


A quick update from London (day 1).

I think we are now a bit rested, though we have been on the go every since we left for the airport at noon on Thursday. Right now it is 5 PM here, though it is 9 AM back home in Oregon. A hour ago we video chatted with our kids, as they begun their day. Nana is taking great care of them! (Plus, we are so grateful for some really helpful technology!) One great piece of technology was inadvertently left at home — our new digital camera is waiting for us on the kitchen counter. (Oops!) So, as a result we likely will not have many photos to share.

The Single-Minded conference is going very well. A full group of singles from around England, representing I think a dozen churches. They are eager. Eager to listen to the Word, to learn, to grow, to encounter God. I dare say that they are rubbing off on me too — and not just because the voice in my head as I type this is narrating in a British accent! They’ve shown me what it means to be a people of the Book. They’re eager to hear God’s words, because they want to know God’s will, His ways, His worth. They want Him. We’ve spoken much about how Christianity is a Person, not a set of principles. You can apply yourself to all the principles in the world, but they will not in and of themselves change a person. We need the power of a new affection; we need Jesus. We need to rescue (save) us, and to change us. And so we are seeking to do what one friend on our missions team reminded me before we headed this way: “make Him famous.” He is worth being known, and we are seeking to make much of Him. May His name be great in this place!

I’ve really been struck by the community-minded nature of our fellows Brits. Someone said they would be stand-offish. Uh, nope. At least not these Brits. In our brief time with this group, we’ve notice how friendly they are, welcoming even. They are not into pretense and especially not overly into themselves. What a cup of cold water this is for this foreigner come across the pond to speak with them. They have welcomed us like old friends.

For the conference, our text has been Psalm 27. We’ve been all over Scripture but the main text in the first three sessions (see summaries by scrolling down under the “London” tag) have taken us through the first five verses of Psalm 27. In a couple hours we will pick up verses 6-9 in our fourth session — WORSHIP: the joyful sacrifice. I must especially applaud our hosts, Matt and Diana Kottman, who are as gracious as they are hardworking. They labor to shepherd this group well. Wow. They are brilliantly generous and full of courage.


London » HOPE: the courage to wait.

What makes waiting so hard?

Psalm 27:13-14:

13 I believe that I shall look upon the goodness of the Lord
in the land of the living!
14 Wait for the Lord;
be strong, and let your heart take courage;
wait for the Lord!

We mentioned the first five themes for the Single-Minded conference we are speaking at, beginning tomorrow near London: confidence, vision, beautyworship. and consistency. The final theme:

#6 Hope: the courage to wait (Psalm 27:13-14).

We all are waiting for something. Not just singles. But it is true that many perhaps deep down still have the ache and longing for that glorious counterpart hand-picked by God. Whether waiting for a wedding or a job or a ministry opportunity or a change of scenery, we spend much of our life waiting. So we must learn how to do it well. God’s word is replete with exhortations to wait, and wait well. Will we wait on God or wait on circumstances? What is the difference and how can we tell? Here we’ll learn how to wait for the Lord with expectancy without expectation. With confidence and security we can be strong and let our hearts take courage and wait, wait for the LORD.

Married people can tell us how waiting for a spouse is a fruitless endeavor, for both husbands or wives make awful gods. Single people are not ‘waiting’ for their life to be meaningful, as if having a spouse is the end-game. (Or being in a relationship is all that matters.) Waiting for the LORD is the true joy; and because our Maker is our Husband, we can daily encounter the most loving, generous, courageous, and supportive spouse ever.

As Kari frequently writes, there is a world of difference between having expectations and living in expectancy.


London » the level path.

Consistency and stability are undervalued in our day. Why is that?

Psalm 27:10-12:

10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me,
but the Lord will take me in.

11 Teach me your way, O Lord,
and lead me on a level path
because of my enemies.
12 Give me not up to the will of my adversaries;
for false witnesses have risen against me,
and they breathe out violence.

We mentioned the four themes for the Single-Minded conference outside London: confidence, vision, beauty, and worship. Here’s a preview of the fifth theme, with one more to follow.

#5 Consistency: the level path (Psalm 27:10-12).

Few characteristics are more critical to the Christian life than consistency. In our experience, the single life can sometimes be characterized by extreme ups and downs, difficulty finding balance, and a challenge to develop the kind of structure and consistency so necessary for long-term growth. Certainly married folks struggle here too, but are often forced into structure and consistency due to the fact that a family depends on it! The “freedom” of singleness can be both blessing and curse. Too much downtime can lead to sin or unhealthy habits. Lack of accountability can lead to laziness. Freedom and flexibility in a schedule can lead to haphazard patterns of life. So ask, “Teach me your way, O Lord,” and we pray that He will “lead us on a level path.” A level life is a life of joy and stability, the soil where godly fruit can abound.

Verse 10 has been included with this session, for a related point shall be made: no matter our family of origin, and even the effect in our lives of years of hurts, habits or hangups along an un-level path, we can become new people with a new trajectory — and a level path — in life. What ‘has been’ does not have to remain the norm. The Gospel takes the can’ts and wont’s and remakes them into new people — who are being made new daily by the Spirit. The Father has welcomed us. We are His children. He will teach us His ways. In this session we will look at the daily practice of abiding in the presence of the Father, and preaching the Gospel to ourselves continually.


London » The joyful sacrifice.

Worship is our joyful sacrifice.

Psalm 27:6-10:

6 And now my head shall be lifted up
above my enemies all around me,
and I will offer in his tent
sacrifices with shouts of joy;
I will sing and make melody to the Lord.

7 Hear, O Lord, when I cry aloud;
be gracious to me and answer me!
8 You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you,
“Your face, Lord, do I seek.”
9 Hide not your face from me.
Turn not your servant away in anger,
O you who have been my help.
Cast me not off; forsake me not,
O God of my salvation!
10 For my father and my mother have forsaken me,
but the Lord will take me in.

We mentioned the first (confidence),  second (vision), and third (beauty) themes for our speaking in London. Here’s a preview of the fourth theme, of six:

#4 Worship: The joyful sacrifice (Psalm 27:6-10).

Like beauty, we’ve missed the meaning of true worship. True worship, in Spirit and in truth, should encompass all of life. We worship through our work, our words, and our witness to the world (1 Peter 2). And as God delivers us from every evil, on a daily basis, our response should and will be a joyful sacrifice of praise. A loud sacrifice of praise – one of shouts and singing. We see from Psalm 27 that worship should be 1) Sacrificial, 2) Joyful, 3) Musical. The greatest battles have been won by worship in God’s Word, and our greatest battles demand that we not forsake this critical spiritual discipline in our daily lives.


London » One thing I seek.

VisionPsalm 27:1-4:

1 The Lord is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
2 When evildoers assail me
to eat up my flesh,
my adversaries and foes,
it is they who stumble and fall.

3 Though an army encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear;
though war arise against me,
yet I will be confident.

4 One thing have I asked of the Lord,
that will I seek after:
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life,
to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord
and to inquire in his temple.

We mentioned the first theme for our speaking in London. Here’s a preview of the second theme:

#2 Vision: The one thing I seek (Psalm 27:4a).

Unless we’re proactive, we can fall into the mindset of simply waiting for life to happen to us. Our world tell us to decide what we want to be and go do it. Our fear tells us to avoid failure at all cost, so play it safe and wait for destiny to knock on our door. God’s Word says neither is enough but instead gives us one pure and holy passion, one magnificent obsession. When we are freed from insecurity and can move forward boldly in godly confidence, we have the courage to pursue this one thing – the glory of the risen King. All of life becomes filtered through this single-mindedness. To live is Christ and to die is gain. A complex world becomes simple as our focus becomes fixed. What one thing do you seek?


London » Themes.

As Kari and I prepare to travel to London to speak at the Single-Minded conference, we landed on themes and emphases we are convinced are God’s heart for His people.

Kari drafted up the key themes, which come from Psalm 27:

  1. Confidence: The stronghold of my life. (vv. 1-3)
  2. Vision: The one thing I seek. (4a)
  3. Beauty: The holy gaze of life. (4b-5: men & women split sessions)
  4. Worship: The joyful sacrifice. (6-10)
  5. Consistency: The level path. (11-12)
  6. Hope: The courage to wait. (13-14)

Over the next couple weeks I will give a summary of the intent behind each talk. Here’s the first:

#1 Confidence: The stronghold of my life.

Confidence is hands-down the #1 most attractive quality. It spans generations, cultures, and draws others in more than liposuction and bulging biceps. Moreover, God created us for confidence as true confidence comes from knowing Who He is, who we are, and Whose we are. In a world that bombards us daily with messages that we need to be a certain way, look a certain way, hook-up in a certain way, God’s Word stands in beautiful contrast with a message that cuts straight across the grain. In a media-saturated consumer culture that feeds on our insecurities, the first step to a single-minded life is attaining the unshakable godly confidence that only comes from the One who fashioned our form.


Old enough to encounter the Story they already live inside.

This morning I led a Bible study for sixth grade boys. Each week this year they’ve gathered before school to dig in God’s Word and be instructed and challenged by a godly leader. For my third visit to this group [read about another time], we walked through the Story of God in summary.

We started with their curiosities, each boy with a note card answering a few simple questions:

  1. What is your favorite sports team? (And favorite player?)
  2. What is a movie that inspires you? (Who starred in it? Or, what character is the hero?)
  3. What is your favorite song and/or band?

Every student was eager to share theirs, so we interacted a bit. Here are a few of their answers:

Then on the back of the card the answered these seemingly unrelated questions: Continue reading


On to London » You are more than your status.

Yesterday I mentioned that Kari and I will be in London for a brief time, leaving in about a month. We’ve been invited to come speak at the annual Single-Minded Conference, intended for singles in the United Kingdom. (Some of the great people we will meet may be reading this here. Thank you for reading!) We love those in the college and career stage, and recognize the challenges of following Christ faithfully while single.

Many who are single tend to think of themselves as simply ‘not yet married,’ though others plan to remain single in the future. Either way, there’s no need to think of ourselves ultimately as defined by these categories, as if that is our ‘status’ in life. Yes, we call it that on forms — what is your marital status? — but there is so much more, as we know. Our ‘status’ may describe us for a moment, like when updating one’s Facebook status, but our true identity is deeper than a status update.

The popular culture of the world feeds us messages along these lines: you need to be in a relationship. (With someone hot.) And you need to be hooking up with that person, or someone else, because love won’t just find us. Go get yours; be on the prowl. The advertising that comes our way underscores this point: you’re empty and need this (___________) to fulfill you. So drink this beer and magically all these tan, fit people with perfect white teeth will be in your life partying it up with you. And you’ll be having insane amounts of fun! Buy this phone and you’ll be so hip that others of the opposite sex will offer you much more than their mobile number. We compare their highlights (airbrushed and glamorized) with our typical day and realize there is a huge gap. Let’s mind that gap and go have an awesome life — or so we’re told.

The hidden message: unless you’re in a relationship, you’re nothing. So we must do everything we can to erase this deficiency and become something and somebody, right? So we try to make ourselves as attractive as possible, dressing to be noticed, buying things to impress people so we can be in relationships that make us matter as people. We give up our bodies, because, after all, sex is just physical, right?

The church world tends to follow the same attitude, but with a so-called ‘holy’ twist — if you’re not married, you’re missing out. The church thinks of those who are married and those who just haven’t quite made it to marriage. Until then, you’re nothing. And you shouldn’t be having sex.

Not true.

Well, it is true that we shouldn’t be having sex before marriage. But why? (More on that in a future post.) But let’s get more focused on this be-married-or-in-a-relationship idea.

I love being married, and am grateful God brought Kari and I together. As amazing as she is, she’s not my savior. She fulfills me in a way God designed, but she cannot fulfill me ultimately. Without Kari I would still be a man created in God’s image. Without Christ I would be nothing. So I guess in one sense we can honest that unless we’re in a relationship — in communion with Christ — we are in fact nothing and nowhere in life.

For a weekend in late June we look forward to joining the faithful voices and godly mentors who are pouring into the lives of singles. As Matt Kottman, pastor in Leatherhead and organizer of the conference wrote me:

“Many singles are trying to find their satisfaction in their status (whether as singles staying single, or as singles desperate for marriage) rather than their status and identity in Christ and his gospel. Our prayer is that this conference would apply the gospel, giving these singles a singleness of heart.”

I can imagine that in Europe, and specifically in the UK, the men are just like us in the States — having little understanding of what it means to be a man in the biblical sense. We shirk responsibility and sacrifice, wanting to keep our ‘options’ open. We confuse ‘fun’ with being entertained, and have forgotten all the fun we can have when we live courageous and sacrificially with God. Because there are few godly examples to follow, we can get a warped view of what it means to be a man. Same for the ladies, who are told that their physical attractiveness is what defines them. They’ve noticed that good and godly men are so hard to find that they may not even exist — so how about you just settle for whoever likes you? Truth is, life is meant to have so much more meaning, beauty, intimacy, adventure, purpose, and joy than that!

In traveling to London and the UK, we are grateful for the support of our local church, with time given to go invest oversees, and the partnerships we have with missionaries there. In future posts I will share more about who we will be visiting, a bit about why I’ve always wanted to visit the UK, and other adventures we plan to have while there.

To all those we will meet: thank you for sharing your story with us.



Words on London.

Kari and I are grateful for the opportunity to travel to London in just over month from now, to speak at a conference, encourage missionary pastor friends in the UK, and preach with a church community there.

Each Friday until then, on my day off, I’ll post a brief description of why we are going, who will we be with, what we will be speaking, and how this trip connects to our ministry here in the States.

I’ve always wanted to go to my family’s homeland, the UK. Look for the first post tomorrow.


Middle Schoolers ask great questions.

ASK [Almost] ANYTHING.Students ask awesome questions. Many times curiosity drives their exploration of faith and truth, and we want to reward their wonderings with some godly wisdom and timely truth. A few times a year we do this in our ASK [Almost] ANYTHING sessions with the middle schoolers at Willamette Christian Church. Today we tackled these questions students have been asking.

We’re received questions about relationships:

  • How do you help a friend who is struggling?
  • How do I get along with my siblings?
  • I have a friend who likes someone who I think is rude.  Should I tell her, or should I just leave the issue alone?

And on Christian living:

  • Why does God want us always to forgive? Isn’t it sometimes too bad to always forgive?
  • What did you make me for?  What is my purpose?
  • How can I hear God talking to me?

Questions about God:

  • Who created God?
  • [Asking God] Why did you make Satan if He knew that he would become the devil?
  • [Asking God] How do You know all?
  • Why don’t You do stuff like the burning bush anymore?

Continue reading


For all you goldfish lovers.

Since Chris Nye is at a hip and cool conference this week, he won’t have time to tell me not to post his words. Plus, he emailed them to me. Plus plus, below is part of a story about a goldfish.

This Sunday Chris will teach our middle schoolers on the Resurrection of Jesus (John 20:1-23).

Chris wrote a little preview for us:

I can remember when my first goldfish, Bowser, died. I had bought Bowser on sale at the local pet store after begging my dad for 25 cents. He was trying to talk me out of it, telling me that I wouldn’t feed it, that cleaning the bowl would be difficult, but I insisted over and over again that I would take care of him and love him forever.

It would be only three weeks before Bowser died. But I would like to take this time to defend myself: I fed Bowser, I cleaned his bowl, and I even gave him a nice spot in the shade on the counter in the kitchen. Even though I followed all the directions perfectly, Bowser still died.
Continue reading